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2018 - SHRM Volunteer Update - August Edition
Helping members check SHRM recertification off their to-do list !!
We heard you and we're here to help. As of July 30th, SHRM no longer has a maximum limit on self-paced activities in the Advance Your Education category. For members that were on the fence about recertifying we've made it even easier. The world of professional development is evolving and more and more opportunities for professional growth are self-paced, and now SHRM recertification will reflect that.
In addition, SHRM recently completed a study of over 28,000 SHRM members—both chapter and at-large members—to assess their professional development needs. The data, shows that the HR professionals we serve want greater flexibility and more online options to continue their learning. SHRM made this policy shift to better meet these needs and to better provide your organizations with flexibility in programming options.
Check out the Certification Promotion tab under SHRM Certification on the VLRC today. There you will find tons of resources for you to share with your chapter members.
Upcoming Dates to Keep in Mind
Join SHRM Field Services Directors Laurie McIntosh, SHRM-SCP and Scott Ferrin, SHRM-SCP to discuss ways to engage and retain members. The webcast is on Thursday, August 16 at 4:00pm EST.Sign-up to attend.
Congress is Home - Make Plans to Talk HR with Your Lawmaker and Candidates for Office this August! This month (through Labor Day), members of Congress and their staffs will use this block of time to meet locally with voters, hold town-hall forums and attend community events to keep current on what is happening in their legislative areas - especially during this key midterm election year. Want to show leadership within your Chapter or State Council? Use local gatherings and networks to strengthen your local advocacy efforts and leadership on behalf of the profession:
- Invite an elected official and/or candidate for office to an upcoming Chapter meeting.
- Use the opportunity to deliver SHRM’s 2018 Public Policy Issues Guide.
- Use the meeting as a forum to discuss workplace issues of concern, opportunity for your community.
- Ensure it is a non-partisan event! Public officials appreciate any opportunity to talk to voters.
- Reach out to SHRM to get public policy materials, A-Team brochures, branded giveaways, etc.
- Use Chapter meetings as a way to bolster awareness of SHRM’s A-Team and build your local engaged advocate network. It's never too soon to start!
- Share your efforts with your members, SHRM and even your SHRM State Council! SHRM can help you craft a newsletter piece, social media content, assist with blog posts, etc.
For more information or assistance, contact SHRM’s Director of Member Advocacy,Meredith Nethercutt.
SHRM Recertification resources have been updated on the VLRC to reflect the change to the self-paced PD maximum. The SHRM certification journey brochure and recertification brochure and flyerhas been updated. Make sure to use these resources in your communications with your chapter or state council
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest HR professional society, representing 285,000 members in more than 165 countries. For nearly seven decades, the Society has been the leading provider of resources serving the needs of HR professionals and advancing the practice of human resource management. SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters within the United States and subsidiary offices in China, India and United Arab Emirates. Visit us at shrm.org.
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