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    Click here to register for this month's program and read our monthly newsletter.

     Coming December 9, 2010 

    Beekman Arms Inn - Breakfast Meeting

    Additional Information coming soon...

    John M. Bagyi, Esq., SPHR

    The Most Pressing Employment Law Issues in 2010 and Beyond

    With technological, economic, legislative and regulatory changes occurring at an unprecedented pace, it is easy for HR professionals to feel overwhelmed, if not paralyzed. In this presentation, John will weed through the sea of change and identify 10 important issues that HR should address head on, with concrete, practical guidance on how to do so.


     Save the Dates!


    The Mid-Hudson HR Chapter generally meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month;

    However, sometimes, due to holidays, etc., we reschedule to other days of the week.

     Click here to view our Past Programs.